Get ready to jump all night at Get Air in Portland and all for Cans for a Cure!


Saturday October 6th, from 8 pm - midnight, get ready to jump, jump, jump! Your ticket gets you 4 hours of jumping, pizza from Pat's Pizza and drinks* (while supplies last...but we have a lot of supplies!)

It's glow night too! Get Air is THE place to jump and they know how to throw a party!


The 16th annual Cans for a Cure starts on Wednesday October 10th at the Maine Mall. This is a huge bottle drive. How huge? Our goal this year is TWO MILLION BOTTLES AND CANS! That's 100,000 DOLLARS!  Get Air heard this and thought...

the Q is gonna need some help

They have dedicated Saturday night, October 6th, to help us reach our goal! Your 30 dollar ticket gets you 4 hours of jumping, glow night, pizza and drinks! All you have to do is bring a lot of energy to get out!

The money raised goes to the Cancer Community Center in South Portland (recently merged with the Dempsey Center) so that the services they offer those fighting breast cancer remain free - for them, their family and their friends.

WHERE: Get Air Portland / 921 Riverside Street

WHENSaturday night, October 6th 8 pm - Midnight

HOW MUCH30 dollar ticket - includes, glow night, pizza from Pat's Pizza (cheese or pepperoni) and drinks (water or Gatorade).

WHY: To help Cans for a Cure raise 100,000 dollars to help those fighting breast cancer here in Maine! 


*Big thank you to Pat's Pizza and BJ's for providing the pizza and drinks!!

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