Movie Mom likes 'Zootopia' so much, she's already seen it twice. You'll have a chance to see it for the first time when it opens this weekend!

Movie Mom says that Disney's 'Zootopia' is just a lot of fun! It's funny, and charming and she loved it! She also says that those that say it's a metaphor for some of the political issues right now, need to shut up. It's just a fun, sweet movie with great humor. Enjoy. Kids 6-7 and up because the 3D can be intense for little kids.

Then it's Tina Fey in a movie they are selling on TV as a comedy, and it's really not. It's 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot' which stands for...oh, come know! It's based on a book by real journalist Kim Barker who has never been a war correspondent, and then was. In book reviews, they mention Tina Fey as being the perfect person to play Kim.

But remember, it's not a comedy. It's a drama with some funny parts - the trailers are misleading according to Movie Mom.

Then, unfortunately, 'London Has Fallen.' Movie Mom says that it's completely stupid and 'destruction porn.' A term new to us. Movie Mom says she may trademark it.

Out on DVD this week, it's 'The Peanuts Movie.' According to Movie Mom, 'It could have been a lot worse.'

Catch all her reviews in our interview with her on the Q Morning Show:


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