I know this may be a bit "out there," but I wanted to use this space where I usually share pop culture and other day-to-day topics to share something that I've been thinking about recently. New Years resolutions. I don't really make new years resolutions. I feel like they have become a bit cliche and a lot of times we just make them up to passify all the questions. I read a lot about the law of attraction, which basically states that you bring into your reality, that which you think about and focus on often.

You can be a big player in creating your life experience by deliberately thinking or "intending" on things. That said, going into this new year, I'm trying something new. Intending. Intentions don't need a time stamp. Intend on who and how you want to be, little things or big things. Do it often and you can create the life you want and less of the one that you get by default.

Remember this: If you are feeling negative and down in the dumps and continue to focus on those thoughts for a long time, you will get more of the same thoughts, feelings and circumstances. Try some positive affirmations ad steer your thoughts to things that make you feel happy. Rinse and repeat. Watch what happens.

Here is an interesting article on setting your new years resolutions with The Law of Attraction. It's a bit long - but give it a skim. You'll get the idea and maybe some away some helpful hints.

This video also gives you a very good explanation in under two minutes.

Share something that you intend to do, be or have in the coming couple of weeks. Use the comments section of the website below or on our Facebook and Twitter pages using the hashtag #lawofattraction.


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