Portland is a beautiful city with a giant scar. In my walk daily from Commercial Street to our studios at One City Center it amazes me how so many people have no respect for it. 


Graffiti is out of control in Portland and I don't understand what posses people to grab a can of paint and spray it all over someone else's property. Some call it art. It's actually called vandalism.


If you want to make a statement, find another avenue.


Would it be art if I spray painted my initials all over your car?


Remember when someone spray painted "Bro" all over a sound barrier wall on I-295? I had seen that tag all over the city, but it was so stylized that it just looked like painted lines to me. I had no idea it said "Bro." I don't know what Bro means, so if you're doing it for recognition you only get it when you're arrested.

Police can't be everywhere all the time to catch these people. We can't put cameras all over the city. What can we do to stop this? I'm seriously at a loss.

Please. Stop doing this to our city.

Do you have any ideas on how to combat graffiti in Portland? Know a place in Portland that has been ruined by these criminals? Share you thoughts in the comments below and on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #portlandgraffiti

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