"A friend of mine" was in a situation where it was suggested that he send flowers to his ex-spouse. I was a little surprised by the suggestion but had a moment where I thought, well may I am the crazy one and maybe it's not totally out of the question. I decided to let the people decide. The response was pretty overwhelming. Here's what you said!

Keeping the peace with an ex-spouse is definitely a good idea. Especially when there are kids involved! Where do draw the line? I do my best to be kind and do nice gestures for my ex when I can. The thought of sending her flowers made me feel a little funky! Apparently, most of you agree. Here are some of your responses and a link to the original post.

  • Tamara: Only if they are poisonous ones
  • Roxanne: My ex used to buy me flowers. But I am the mother of his child and we get along. It was a nice thought
  • Christina: No. But my ex husband send me two roses for Mother's Day, in honor of our girls
  • Devon: Why would anyone send their ex anything on Valentine's day????
  • Courtney: Bahahahaha NO!!!! He deserves a punch in the face on days like today
  • Mark: Hell to the NO
  • Darlene: Love doesnt die ..or you didnt truely love them in the first place....people just don't work out together..why be bitter?
  • Ashleigh: My ex is my sons father. We would do that if it was something we celebrated or acknowledged as a family. Just another day in our lives.

I'm reminded me of a scene "The Break Up." (Parental Advisory for language)

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