I had just finished cleaning, dusting, wiping down and vacuuming my apartment - a near weekly deep clean I thoroughly enjoy - when I repositioned my box fan to retrieve one of my dog's runaway toys.

There, I found what can only be described as a gift bestowed upon me by lint demons.

Behold, in all its disturbing glory:

Keep in mind, I only purchased this fan about two months ago to combat the most oppressive Maine summer days. It's been running nonstop for the past couple weeks in a feeble attempt to keep my dog and I alive despite my lack of AC. It's definitely working overtime to circulate that air and granted, we both shed a healthy dose of hair between us, but I clean my apartment top to bottom every two weeks at the very least and I was shocked to see this insane amount of build-up.

This freak show of a dusty, linty, hairy mess has me wondering - where else have I missed?!

Clean your fans, people. Don't forget the fans.

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