As We All Wait For Spring a Boy From Naples Writes Why He Loves Winter
It's officially spring and many Mainers are so ready for warm weather and no snow. Don't tell that to 8-year-old Parker London of Naples.
Parker recently wrote a paper in his second grade class at Songo Locks School about his favorite season. His mother Ashleigh posted a picture of what he wrote on Facebook saying "He can't be my child."
His writing is titled "The Best Season is Winter."
The best season is winter. First it snows in the winter. I like to play in the snow. The second reason is cause its cold. I can wear my snow stuff when its cold. The last reason is I like winter because it is windy. I like the wind because it more snow all in all. I think winter is the best season.
You be you Parker! Winter is the best even if mom would rather be at the beach.
Get back to us on how you feel about it after you pick up a shovel for the first time.