Bald Eagle Lands on Lake Ossipee Looking for an Easy Lunch From Ice Fisherman
It's hard enough ice fishing without this kind of competition.
Aaron Gentry, a registered Maine State Guide and captain, took this picture of a bald eagle just 10 yards away while ice fishing on Lake Ossipee in East Waterboro, Maine.
Aaron said that he saw two adults and two juvenile eagles nesting in the trees on the lake and watched them fly down to the ice trying to look for fish to eat. He took this picture with his phone. Man, I gotta update my phone! This picture is so amazing.
The look on that eagle's face is pretty much,
Well. Is my lunch ready or not?
Bald eagles, the symbol of America was once an endangered species. Thankfully they are no longer endangered, and if you spend any time on lakes in Maine, there's a good chance you've seen one. That's probably because they are still a protected species.
According to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife,
Generations of bald eagles will use the same nesting territory sequentially over decades. In fact, the same nest is often reused if its ever enlarging size does not harm the tree. A Sagadahoc County nest found in 1963 measured 20 feet vertically; biologists conservatively estimated it had been in use for at least 60 years.
That is so impressive. Humans don't even live in their homes for 60 years! And what would you do with 20-foot ceilings anyway?
Eagles were out a lot yesterday! Marureen Grandmaison Photography, usually spends her time at weddings and senior photos! But she was quick and able to grab her camera to catch an eagle in Biddeford!
Thanks to Aaron for sharing such a great picture. But did the eagle ever get his lunch? Thanks for Maureen Grandmaison Photograpy for being so quick to grab your camera too!