Enjoy Lunch on the Water in a Motorized Floating Picnic Table Invented by Mainer
Have you ever wanted to take the family lunch on the water on a floating picnic table? Lon Cameron from Winthrop did and viola! The motorized floating picnic table was born.
Lon and his wife and have a dock at the pond where they live in Winthrop. The end floating piece was in pretty bad shape and when he took it all apart, the float boxes were still in decent shape. So, naturally, he did what any other hobby homeowner would do and took to Pinterest to see what fun things people do with dock float boxes.
He got a couple of rough ideas and decided to design a table around what they had for dock floats. That was two years ago and he's been puttering about the prototype to create something more rugged and versatile...and he thinks he's struck it!
Lon says that he and his family use the floating picnic table more than their boat! I can see why!
If you are wondering how you can get your hands on one, well...just get in touch with Lon. Or you could also ask the Pressey House on Messalonskee in Oakland. They are the proud owners of a Camerontable. Although, that's not the official name of this ingenious summer fun!
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