Free S’mores at Congress Square Park in Portland Thursdays in December
What beats a good s'more? A free s'more around a fire in Portland!
Friends of Congress Square Park have organized THE sweet treat event this December. Free s'mores around a cozy fire with neighbors, friends, and family! You make your own s'more with all the fixings free. There is a suggested donation of $5 to Friends of Congress Square Park.
The Pink Waffle will also be there selling hot beverages and waffles in case your s'more just whetted your appetite!
These s'more nights are happening every Thursday from 4 pm - 6 pm right up to December 30th! Support the arts that happen at Congress Square Park all year long. How cool is it that we have a city with a park smack in the middle of it that has music, plays, and now for December free smores?
I don't think you'll have to do a lot of convincing to get the family together to head to Congress Square Park for free s'mores. Don't forget to get some money for a donation so that events like this can keep happening!