This is crazy, but you can get your student loan debt paid off by playing trivia! You might even get thousands for your mortgage! It happened to Krissey, who works at Bonny Eagle High School...



Krissey, a sign language interpreter at Bonny Eagle, had her student loan paid off by Givling. They are based out of Wyoming and they make money through advertising and by having players pay 50 cents to play an online trivia game.

What you need to do is getting into their funding 'queue'. There are a couple of ways of doing that. You can play a lot, and spend money or you can be a long time player.

Krissey had signed up years ago...


Once you are in that funding queue, you are guaranteed to have your debt paid off! They have paid off 5 loans for a total of almost 625,000 dollars!


Is your student loan debt strangling you? Why not try to get it paid off!


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