Have You Been to This Spot in New England That Made a List of Overrated Vacation Destinations?
The world is a massive place. There are countless places to visit, nooks and crannies to discover, landmarks to pose with, and cuisine to try.
But, for some reason, we all choose to just congregate in the exact same places without any free will or thought for ourselves. Your neighbor went to Milan and loved it so you decide that’s your next vacation.
Well, I think that’s lame.
Overrated Vacation Destinations
These are what we would call ‘overrated vacation destinations’; places where everybody goes just because everyone else went. I understand we are inherently lazy but when it comes to planning an epic vacation, don't follow the itinerary you found on Facebook, please.
Dare to be different! Go off the beaten path!
There are a lot of pros to not going to the tourist traps, with huge reasons being the crowds and the prices. I’ve spent a few weeks at a time in Italy and traveled without much of a plan, just meandered and discovered the spots that weren’t in the tourist hubs and it makes for an entirely different, more immersive, beautiful experience.
Quick Example
Italy is a dream destination for most people and rightfully so. When you think about going to Italy, you imagine the Positano coast in Amalfi, vineyards in Tuscany, and all of the historic spots to hit in Rome.
Don’t get me wrong, those are fantastic. But, when I did the whole Rome thing, I actually hated it because you were shoulder-to-shoulder in the streets with tourist groups and crowds, tourists were rude, and everything was crazy expensive.
The other part of my trip was being in a tucked-away town in Northern Italy where nobody spoke a lick of English and I was the only American in sight. That led me to authentic experiences, gorgeous views without people in my way, wine that was €1, and meals that were €6.
Don’t just follow the tourists.
Overrated New England Destination
Let’s get back to the main point.
An online publication, Earn Spend Live, released a list of the 50 Most Overrated Vacation Spots and a place in New England made the list.
There were spots on the list from everywhere, with some examples being: Disney World, Atlantic City, the Chicago Bean, Mall of America, The Eiffel Tower, etc.
They were ranked in order and the No. 1 spot is Time Square, which I agree with completely, that place is just a capitalist hell hole.
Our debut on the list was No. 41 in Boston.
Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market
Fanueil Hall and Quincy Market in downtown Boston hold a lot of historic charm and character but as the article shared, there is nothing historic left to offer. The place is full of souvenirs, tourists walking shoulder-to-shoulder, food vendors, bars, and just places to throw your cash at.
It is always crazy packed so even if you want to walk through it’s just a nightmare. It’s essentially just a mall at this point.
That being said, I find it funny that it made a list with other places around the world that you would think of as overrated destinations like Disney World or the Leaning Tower of Pisa; I never anticipated seeing Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market on the list.
I agree it's all overrated but I’m not sure if I would consider Faneuil Hall a vacation destination. But hey, maybe I'm just a New Englander.
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