You may have noticed as of late that gas prices have been falling (there could be some economic issue or fall out from the coronavirus, but it does not matter to me at all.)

I like you, care about my cheap gasoline, and I will deal with the blowback at a later date in time.

As long as my Subaru is filed, I am happy. I have begun using this tool called to check for where I am going to fill up on that particular day.

Just check out this screenshot of gas stations in Portland. It lists the spots and their prices.


Note that the second cheapest is at Sunoco on Forrest Ave. But that could change in the next hour or day. You never know where the best spot is until you check it out.

Gasoline is one of those products where you will get precisely what you paid for, is a site that can be used anywhere in the United States, so plan your road trip stops accordingly.

It's definitely helped me as I've been exploring the state and finding fun new things to check out.

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