If you've moved once or twice, you likely know the infamous and glorious experience of selling and buying things on Craigslist. Maine has no shortage of interesting finds on the website, and mirror sales are no exception. Those reflective surfaces can be tricky, though! Here are some hilarious ways Mainers are managing to get around an inadvertent mirror selfie when posting their furniture for sale.

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

Why go to the effort to keep yourself out of the frame when you have the technology to edit your photograph in Microsoft Paint?

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

No one will recognize your feet.

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

Maybe you don't want to be famous, but your doggo definitely does.

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

Photographer aside, the objects you find in sellers' pictures can be... disturbing.

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

Perhaps the most popular method on Craigslist, the sneaky hand floating at the edge of the frame is a surefire way to get your picture taken without capturing yourself.

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

As concerned as people may be with keeping themselves out of the frame, it's hilarious how many mirrors catch glimpses of unwitting family members minding their own business. Thankfully, this one is fully clothed.

7) The Stand And Shoot

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

The Mainer who doesn't give a moment of thought to who sees him; or his squatty stance when taking pictures.

Maine Craigslist
Maine Craigslist

The most brazen of the Craigslist sellers is the full-fledged selfie. Unposed and admirable in all her focus, this photographer gives zero $%&*s.

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