Despite their name of Hooligan Riders, they are the best group of bikers helping Mainers every chance they get.


One of the original members of the Hooligan Riders was Doc. He was also a past president of the group. He loved helping kids and guided the Hooligans to giving back. He passed away from cancer and a ride coming up on October 10th is to honor him and help raise money. The money raised will go to local schools backpack programs or whatever local schools need as long as it helps kids. If they are able to raise enough money, they will split it up and help more than one local community.

This is Doc.

Hooligan Riders Trademark Facebook
Hooligan Riders Trademark Facebook

Registration 9-10:30 am at the Gold Room in Portland. KSU at 11. Ride to Bentley's in Arundel. $20 donation per rider and $10 donation per passenger. There will be a 50/50, silent auction and t-shirts available.

It's exactly what Doc would have wanted and loved.



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