How and Where to Watch the Solar Eclipse in Maine
Where will you be when the first solar eclipse in 100 years crosses Maine? Here are a few suggestions...
At 2:45 pm on Monday August 21st, the country will have a total solar eclipse pass through with 14 states seeing a total blockage of the sun.
Maine is not one of those states. In the Portland area you will see about 58% of the sun blocked by the moon. Up in Presque Isle that falls to 49%. It's up to 63% in Boston.
So...what do and what not to do:
- DO use approved eclipse glasses
- DO NOT use sunglasses or nothing to watch
You really can hurt your eyes. You may not feel it, but you will damage your eyes. It really is true - you aren't suppose to look at the sun.
We will have a few pairs of glasses for you to win. Good luck buying your own. Most retailers are sold out and there are a ton of online scammers waiting to take your money for crappy ones that won't help.
Okay. You don't have glasses. Here are some options for you:
- The Portland Public Library will give away glasses during their event. The Auburn Public Library will have an event on their back lawn.
- LL Bean will have a telescope that will put the image on a screen, so that a lot of people can watch at once.
- USM Planetarium will have an outdoor telescope set up and will also host a live feed from NASA inside starting at 1:45 p.m. You have to call for a reservation. 207-780-4249
Now cross your fingers that the weather holds. We are supposed to get rain on Monday, but right now it looks like it will clear out.
If not, mark your calendars and buy your glasses....Maine will be in the path of totality for an upcoming solar eclipse, April 8, 2024.
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