At Friday's Annual Q Morning Show Lobster Bake with Senator Susan Collins, I was introduced to the senator as the newest member of the Q Morning Show and I shared the weird fact that I'm originally from Idaho, just like Lori happens to be. Senator Collins asked me which part of Idaho I grew up in, since her stepdaughter and her husband live in Sandpoint, way up north.

...I'm from Sandpoint. That was weird enough, but once I texted my mom to ask if she had any idea who Susan Daffron was, my mom replied (with plenty of hilariously shocked emojis) that my dad built an addition on their house years ago, and they only live a few miles apart from each other. This is a shocking revelation, as their properties are actually 40 minutes north of the 7,000 population town of Sandpoint, nestled deep in the Idaho woods.

Naturally we had a good laugh about it and are potentially planning on coordinating a joint holiday with Susan Collins' relatives in the near future.


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