If You Could Taste America, It Might Taste Like New Mountain DEW. S. A.
Mountain Dew comes in a bajilion flavors and a new one has just been released that combines three of them into Mountain DEW.S.A.
Each summer, Mountain Dew is known for releasing a new flavor for a limited time. This year they released Mountain DEW S. A. which combines three of their current flavors into one bottle: Mtn Dew Code Red, Mtn Dew White Out and Mtn Dew Voltage. Do you see what they did there? Red, white, and of course by now you guessed Voltage is blue.
What you get is a purplish looking drink that is....uh....patriotic?
Reviews on Twitter are mixed.
Have you tried the taste of freedom? Let us know what you think of the new Mountain Dew DEW.S.A. in the comments below or on our Facebook page.