America’s Worst Chocolate Brand is Sold Right Here in Maine
Are you a choco-holic?
I know my wife certainly is. I enjoy a good bit of chocolate now and then, but more often than not, I could take or leave sweets. Other than donuts. I'm perilously helpless when it comes to a good donut. But there are plenty of folks out there who are all but dependent on a good chocolate.
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My wife always has a secret stash, too. Once I found it in the freezer, and decided to indulge in the hidden treat, and was nearly put in an early grave by my wife when she went looking for it and I hadn't told her it was gone. That's a mistake I'll never make again, don't you worry about that.
Not all chocolates are created equal.
I have a friend who's a high-end pastry chef and he actually went to a special chocolate school in New York City. Can you imagine? There's a whole school for chocolate... Anyhow, he told me that there are all kinds of different types, for different applications. Which then turned into a conversation about quality.
He told me a lot of really nice chocolates are so good because they go heavy on the milk and the cocoa butter, etc. Often, cheap chocolates are cut with a certain amount of food grade, edible wax. The lower quality the chocolate is, the more wax it has in it. But most people can't tell, so they but cheap chocolate quite often.
What's the worst offender of them all?
According to a recent survey from Mashed.com, the chocolate with the worst rating in America is Cadbury. In their description, they brought up some of the issues my friend mentioned. They said it was very waxy, almost crumbly. But to me, the cruel irony here, is that come Easter time, Cadbury is probably one of the top sellers. Their Cadbury Eggs are pretty much an Easter staple.
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Mainers still buy plenty of Cadbury chocolate. It doesn't seem in any major danger of going anywhere. If you're curious what the most prized chocolate in the US is, it's Lindt. Not really a big surprise there. But really, at the end of the day, it's chocolate. Not unlike pizza, even bad chocolate is better than no chocolate at all.
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