New Hampshire has had its fair share of extreme weather. It sort of comes with the territory if you decide to call the Granite State home.

As my grandma likes to say, "You take the bitter with the better."

We put up with the sometimes relentless and grueling winters so we can enjoy the gorgeous foliage-covered mountains in the fall and the long days by the lake in the summer.

I have lived in other states where the weather doesn't change all year round. It's not for me.

READ MORE: See 10 ‘Only in New Hampshire’ Pics That Capture the Essence of Our Winter

I prefer to experience the four seasons, and that's why I will always consider New England home.

Heck, sometimes we get to experience all four seasons in one week. Where else can you do that?

What was the big ice storm in New Hampshire?

In 2008, I was in college at UMASS Amherst and didn't yet call New Hampshire home. But if you lived in New Hampshire in 2008, you remember the ice storm that left nearly half of the state without power for two weeks.

That is absolute insanity. But New Hampshire people are hearty, and when times get tough, they lean on their communities and rise above the darkness (literally).

On the New Hampshire Subreddit group, a user named Gratuitous_Isolation posted a few photos from the 2008 ice storm and Redditors in the comments began taking an ice-covered stroll down memory lane.

Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit
Gratuitous_Isolation via Reddit

Someone said they can vividly remember the sound of tree limbs snapping all night long and then at 5 a.m. a big pine tree snapped in half and came through their living room. Can you imagine?!

It was referred to many times as the "icepocalypse."

On the highway you would see lines of cars stuck in ditches from skidding off the road. Powerlines and trees were down everywhere you turned. School was canceled in some towns for two weeks.

How much damage did the 2008 ice storm cost New Hampshire?

According to WMUR, 780 utility poles were damaged, along with 1,300 transformers. The storm caused a total of $30 million and remains one of the worst ice storms to ever impact the Granite State.

The good news is the 2008 ice storm was a teachable moment for many Granite Staters. The lesson? Buy a generator. It's worth the money!

Were you living in New Hampshire in 2008? What are your memories from the storm?

Mistakes Tourists Make When Visiting New Hampshire

Whether it's trying to pack too much in to one trip (figuratively and also literally ion their suitcase) or choosing to dine at the tourist traps over the mom and pop shops, people who visit New Hampshire deserve to experience all our fine state has to offer. Let the mistakes of tourists from our past help shape your visit in the future.

Gallery Credit: Kira

We Love These Veteran Owned and Operated Businesses in New Hampshire

In New Hampshire, we live free and are proud of it! Just take a look at our license plates. However, we are only able to live free because of the brave. We are thankful to the brave men and women who are currently fighting/have fought for our country. Many of them own thriving businesses in New Hampshire today. If you get a chance to support one, do it! These hard working people exemplify what living in New Hampshire is all about.

Gallery Credit: Kira

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