LISTEN: #WickedFunny Cover of ZZ Top’s ‘La Grange’ Featuring Paul LePage
In the continuing saga of Maine Governor Paul LePage's c***sucker voicemail convtoversy, we have now achieved new heights.
This special version of ZZ Top's "La Grange", posted by Katrina Walls on YouTube, features audio of the Governor himself talking about imaginary drug dealers called "Smoothy" and "Shifty," and even samples his now famous voicemail to Westbrook State Rep. Drew Gattine.
Here's a transcript of the hilarious lyrics:
If you're drivin' round, in Augusta town, and see that cat we call LePage (and you know who I'm talkin' about)...
He'll wanna know where Shifty goes, and where D-Money's stayin' (we got a lotta white girls)...
Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul, Paul Paul Paul...
Well the list is long... Racially charged... He knows them by their colors.
If you say he's wrong, he'll grab a phone, and call you a c***sucker!
[Actual audio of Paul LePage making racially charged statements about drug offenders and the impregnation of white women]
[Actual voicemail Gov. LePage left a member of the Maine House of Representatives]