Looking for an Irish Good Time? Head to This Picnic on Sunday
The annual summer picnic hosted by the Irish American Club of Maine is at Southern Maine Community College tomorrow and whether you're Irish or not, it's going to be a celebration you won't want to miss.
These guys are more than Guinness and line dances on Saint Patrick's Day - there will be musical entertainment by Jim Brady from Noon to 2, the Stillson School of Irish Dance will perform, and the Maine Inflatable Pub! This will be a free fun event for the whole family.
Follow the Irish American Club of Maine for more fun Irish-centric events throughout the year and don't miss the opportunity to hire your own Maine Inflatable Pub for your own event, whether it be corporate, private, or for a club event!
If you've never seen it in action, this is a perfect chance to witness and enjoy the pub for yourself in person - as indicated by its owner in their recently posted video (enjoy his accent for added pleasure):