Maine Bakery Makes Cookies Only True Seinfeld Fans Will Understand
Seinfeld is one of those sitcoms that spans generations. Despite the widely hated finale, Seinfeld is a stand-out for many as the best sitcom of all time. If you're unfamiliar with it and are curious what it's about, well, it's about nothing!
LAUGH loud SMILE big is a bakery out of Rockport, Maine is known especially for their creative cupcakes and their fun cookies.
This past weekend the bakery shared their latest creation, perfect for any Seinfeld fan as the baker's dozen hits on all of the most memorable episodes.
Who can forget Kramer being the ASSMAN or his starring role delivering the line, "These pretzels are making me thirsty!"? Or the iconic Frank Costanza scenes played by the late Jerry Stiller where they celebrated Festivus or his creation "The Manzier" aka "The Bro"?
More cookies and yadda yadda yadda you've got a bunch of cookies about nothing.
Next round might I suggest some marble rye? Or perhaps a wedding invite that did Susan in? And I'd love to see a "Hello, Newman" in there! With such an amazing show to draw so much inspiration from and clear talent from the crew at LAUGH loud SMILE big, the possibilities are truly endless.
What other shows do you think they should tackle? Looking on their website they've taken on Friends and the episode “The One With All The Thanksgivings” where Chandler tells Monica he loves her for the first (or second??) time.
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