Maine Brothers Raise Nearly $10,000 for Cans for a Cure 2019
Bryce and Riley have been participating in Q Cans for a Cure for years, and I can remember back when they started and were smaller than me!
These two just keep growing! (And Jeff keeps reminding me.)
This year, the boys delivered again with a massive amount of bottles and some extra donation money for a total of $9,679. Anyone notice that "979" in there? Coincidence?
I am just so thankful for their donation as it will help contribute to Cans for a Cure and the Dempsey Center as we continue to help in the fight against cancer.
Wow. It's hard to believe that Bryce and Riley were only 3 and 1 when they first came to the tent 10 years ago.
Ten years! Where does the time go.
These boys continue to step up, along with their family and extended family. You continue to inspire me.
Here's to reaching our goal of 2 million bottles and cans or $100,000! We can do it!