Maine Crushes Record for New Covid-19 Cases – No New Deaths
Because of the rampant growth of Covid-19 cases in Maine, the Maine CDC is changing how it investigates cases. It has to.
The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention is now going to cut back on case investigation because it is so uncontrolled. Now investigation of cases will be only for the following groups: those under 18 or over 65; health care workers and first responders, those who are hospitalized, those with disabilities, people living or working in congregate living facilities and individuals associated with schools or child care facilities.
Our weekly average of cases stands at 291.1. To put that in perspective, in October, our average weekly cases stood at 30. Androscoggin County had the highest COVID-19 case rate per capita in the last 28 days, followed by York County and then Cumberland County.
The Maine CDC had to refocus its efforts because employees are having a hard time keeping up because of the explosion of cases. The good news is that a vaccine is on the way and the first shipments could come next week. In the meantime, wear your masks, stay six feet apart and wash your hands...please.