Maine DOT Might Use Your Message on Their Signs
The Maine DOT has been pretty clever with the messages on their electronic signs on the highway and now they want to see if you can do better.
Now through March 18, you can submit your own safety message for the signs on I-295 and the Maine Turnpike. There are guidelines of course, the most important being keep it clean.
You message also has limits on length. For the small signs you can have a two page message, with three lines of text 8 characters or less per line. A large sign is one page with 3 lines of 16 characters or less per line.
Your message should be something clever about distracted driving, impaired driving, seat belts, speeding, general highway safety, wildlife, winter driving or events like holidays, sports and movies. If you've seen the DOT's signs, you get the idea.
MaineDOT will narrow all submissions down to three finalists to put out to a public vote. The winner will not only see their message on the side of the highway, they will receive they're own personalized street sign. An authentic sign right from the Maine DOT sign shop.
Submit as many messages as you like between now and March 18.