Maine State Police Cracking Down on Failure to Yield
We've all been there, going along 295 and then some bozo decides the yield sign is more of a suggestion and barrels through like they own the road forcing you to make a quick decision at best and an accident at worst.
Maine State Police have taken notice and in Bangor, Troop E will be conducting a special initiative focusing on this very issue.
The full law regarding Right-of-way can be found here but here's a refresher if it's been a few years since driver's ed.
When at a public intersection, one must yield to the vehicle on the right unless at a rotary/roundabout/traffic circle, or when otherwise told by a law enforcement officer.
When turning left one my yield to oncoming traffic.
At a traffic circle, roundabout, or rotary, right-of-way goes to those already in the circle. Or if the roundabout has multiple lanes, right-of-way goes to the motor vehicle on the outside lane.
When on an Interstate onramp the right-of-way goes to those already on the Interstate. They are not required by law to move over, although this is widely considered to be the courteous thing to do.
According to Maine law, it is a Class E crime for a Failure to yield-criminal offense. Class E crimes come with a penalty of up to 6 months of incarceration and a $1,000 fine.
So make it a habit during your daily commute to be mindful of what drivers have the right-of-way and when you need to yield. Not sure? The good news is you have the entire Internet at your fingertips and Google is free. Safe travels!
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