Maine Woman Gets a Piano That Held a Lot of Sentimental Value
Today I sold something that had a lot of sentimental value.
Three years ago I bought my now ex-girlfriend who I loved very much a Yamaha keyboard.
She loved music, would always sing in the house, and even perform outside as well. I got her the Yahama keyboard not only because she wanted to learn but as a symbol of our love and the support I had for her following her dreams.
Dreams, however, come to be overshadowed by reality when day-to-day issues come into play. She had family things to deal with back home, and adjusting to our new lives together, the piano, unfortunately, was left unplayed.
That being on top of us realizing that we saw life entirely differently.
She went back home to the west coast, and I was left with the piano as a reminder of things past and things that could have been.
I decided I would make sure it got a proper home because I believe the joy of music should be given to those who are passionate.
After holding onto it for a year in a half, I sold it to a nice woman named Vickey from Wells ME; we tried meeting up at different times, and when she was able to come to get it at the station, I knew it was destined to be in her home.
Vickey, please enjoy all the memories you and your family will make with this piano, and may it bring you happiness!