New Hampshire is taking that whole 'live free or die' thing really to heart.


New Hampshire is the ONLY state that does NOT require adults to wear seatbelts when driving! Wait, what?


I had no idea I could drive legally in New Hampshire without being buckled up. It's such a drilled-in thing because I thought all states required it. Here's what a quick Wikipedia search came up with about seatbelt laws in the country:

Most seat belt laws in the United States are left to the states and territories. However, the first seat belt law was a federal law, Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 301, Motor Safety Standard, which took effect on January 1, 1968, that required all vehicles (except buses) to be fitted with seat belts in all designated seating positions. This law has since been modified to require three-point seat belts in outboard-seating positions, and finally three-point seat belts in all seating positions. Initially, seat belt use was voluntary. New York was the first state to pass a law that required vehicle occupants to wear seat belts, a law that came into effect on December 1, 1984. New Hampshire is the only state that has no enforceable laws for the wearing of seat belts in a vehicle.

New Hampshire! Tell me this. If you are in New Hampshire, do only NH cars NOT *ding, *ding, *ding when you don't have your seatbelt clicked? That alone would make me put it on. My dad was a big 'don't tell me what I have to do' kind of guy. He would click the seatbelt in and then sit in front of it! Sidenote: my father also removed the headrests in his Honda Civic. Don't ask.

Hey New Hampshirites! Do you click it or not?

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