Newspaper Clippings of Jeff as a Kid Keep Showing Up on Facebook
I had no idea that my pictures showed up in my hometown local newspaper until someone started posting pictures on Facebook.
The Advertiser Democrat has been the local newspaper in the Oxford Hills ares for over 100 years. Before social media where pictures of local happenings in town get posted regularly, The Advertiser was the source to see pictures of bake sales, honor roll students and sporting events.
A group was created on Facebook that is sharing photos of old newspaper clippings and every once in a while I find one that I'm in. There was one of me playing basketball, and now I've spotted one of my winning little league team. That's me right in the front row, fourth from the left. My younger brother Joel is first on the left in the second row and right behind him is our dad who was one of the coaches.
I remember playing for the Paris Pirates Little League team very well. I played second base and Chris Gay was one of our star pitchers who helped us to win the championship in 1981.
When my father moved to Florida he pulled out a baseball score book out of the closet and handed it to me asking if I wanted it. It was the score book from 1981 that had our roster and every single pitch of the entire season recorded. He saved it for over 30 years.