North American Wife Carrying Championship at Sunday River 10/6
The 19th Annual Wife Carrying Championships will happen at Sunday River on Saturday October 6th.
You may not know this, but 18 years ago I COMPETED! No...I wasn't married and my partner (Pete Dubuc) was my 'radio partner'. But you don't have to be married! According to Sunday River's website:
Competing couples do not have to be married, though they must be comprised of a man and a woman and both must be at least 21 years old to enter.
We were both over 21. Our goal was to finish and not finish last. We finished second to last. It was hysterical and well before YouTube and cell phone videos...thank God!
If you don't know what happens - it's insane! Here's a look at the 2012 competition.
Registration is full, but there is a waiting list in case someone chickens out.
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