Police in Marlborough, New Hampshire have a message for aspiring rappers: Stop taking your horse down a dirt road in Marlborough named Old Town Road.

You probably know by now that "Old Town Road" by Lil Nas X is huge. It's the number one song on Billboard's Hot 100 chart and doesn't show any signs of going anywhere anytime soon.

We're not sure if this is an actual problem for the Marlborough, New Hampshire police or they are just having some fun, but either way, it's hilarious. Supposedly, like the lyric in the song, people are taking their horse down Old Town Road. Marlbourough has a rural, dirt road named Old Town Road.

In a Facebook post the Marlborough Police said "This quiet neighborhood off Troy Road is not a suitable filming location for your amateur rap videos. For our older followers, please disregard this pop culture reference and continue your equestrian activities as usual."

Their meme of a Supernatural  character Dean Winchester with the caption "You've yee'd your last haw," sums up the message pretty well.

Don't go getting any ideas of doing the same near you. There are plenty of Old Town Roads in Maine and New Hampshire. Yes I Googled.

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