Portland’s Valentine Bandit Strikes Again
Since February 14, 1985, Portland residents have started their day finding windows and buildings in the city covered in hearts. To this day, only a select few know who is behind what has been dubbed the Valentine Bandit.
Once again, the bandit was out decorating downtown Portland with hearts printed on 8 1/2 x 11 paper and taped to downtown doors and windows and any place that could use a little love. There was even one tucked under the wiper of the plow in front of the doors here at One City Center that has been busy moving snow from our latest storm.
The Portland Police Department had them on their doors and one of their cruisers.
Each year one giant heart goes up on a building. One of the most impressive was last year when one was put on Fort Gorges.
This year, it's on the wall of a building on Exchange Street facing Tommy's Park that used to have a mural on it. A new mural is set to be painted this spring, but in the meantime, the bandit decided to give it a little color.
People have been sharing their photos of all the bandit's pre-dawn work on social media. Here are just a few.
Some people even posted photos of hearts they received directly from the bandit. They've promised to keep the secret alive.