Putting Off Raking Leaves? Research Says Get To It, Bub.
Raking leaves is one of those chores I tend to procrastinate on because as soon as you do it, it's undone. You could rake every few days from September to November, or you could wait until all the leaves fall from the trees in your yard and clear them all in one fell swoop. The caveat comes when Maine inevitably ambushes us with our first snow. Be honest - there's no chance you're making it out there in the cold white stuff to shovel *and* rake up frozen leaves underneath. At that point, it's a lost cause. Why not let them chill (literally) under there, compost, and you'll see them next spring? I'll tell you why - along with a few other do's and don'ts of leaf-clearing.
Give That Lawn Some Air
According to UNH Extension, leaving those leaves means blocking your lawn from getting the oxygen it means to flourish. Do you want to smother your lawn? DO YOU?
Avoid Snow Rot
Another way you're hurting your lawn by not clearing leaves through the fall/winter is the mold factor. That's right, it might be cold out but that moist igloo of snow is allowing your composting leaves to fester and rot, spreading mold diseases that could cause lasting problems in your landscaping efforts come spring.
Who Says You Have To Rake?
You just have to save your lawn from festering leaves; we never said you had to actually rake. If your leaves are still relatively dry, break out the lawnmower and run over them to chop them up and prevent a wet blanket of dead leaves from forming. Lawn saved!
Put Those Leaves to Use
Chopping up your lawn leaves turns them into lawn compost, which you could leave on your lawn through the winter to decompose and provide nitrogen for your grass underneath, says UNH. No need to haul them off to the transfer station!
Keep Your Property Tick-Free
The final warning comes from some experienced redditors who point out the worst side effect of an unkempt lawn - tick heaven! When temperatures drop, those blood-thirsty @%*holes are looking for a warm little nest to burrow into for the winter, and you've just provided them a safe haven.
It may be a bit of a hassle, but a necessary one. This is one of those few times a year I'm happy to not have my own back yard. Happy raking!