Refrigerator and Dishwasher Dumped Disrespectfully in Bath, Maine Cemetery
If you're going to get rid of an old refrigerator and dishwasher, there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. This was definitely the wrong way.
I get it. Things get old and need to be replaced. But there's also a proper way to dispose of them rather than leave them sitting in a cemetery where people have laid their loved ones to rest, just so you can avoid the disposal fees.
The Bath Police Department posted to its Facebook page on Tuesday that they are looking for an unidentified male who was driving a pickup truck and dumped the refrigerator and dishwasher in Bath's Oak Grove Cemetery. Oak Grove is quite large and maybe they thought no one would notice.
The Bath Police Department said in its post, "This despicable act not only affects our City's cemetery crew by causing them extra clean up work, but also dishonors the graves of our deceased loved ones. Cemeteries are not dumps or transfer stations."
Now police are looking for help in locating the person responsible for the illegal and disrespectful dumping. If you know anything about the incident, you're asked to call 443-5563 and ask to speak to a patrol officer.
At the absolute least, the person responsible should be paying a hefty fine for the illegal dumping and the cost of removal from the cemetery. Personally, I'd like to see the person responsible be sentenced to cleaning up the grounds for one year so they can learn a lesson about just how disrespectful doing something like this is.