Bad Food Delivery Experience In Portland, Maine Leads To Bizarre Online Tirade About ImmigrantsBad Food Delivery Experience In Portland, Maine Leads To Bizarre Online Tirade About ImmigrantsA poster on Reddit goes on bizarre tirade about immigrants after their milk and cookies weren't delivered as part of grocery delivery orderJoeyJoey
NSFW - Woman Throws Drink in Anger at South Paris Drive-ThruNSFW - Woman Throws Drink in Anger at South Paris Drive-ThruThe language used in this video is VERY harsh - please be advised.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
5 Ways ANOTHER March Snowstorm Is Driving Maine & NH To The Brink5 Ways ANOTHER March Snowstorm Is Driving Maine & NH To The BrinkWind/flooding, over a foot of snow, and we're still scraping our windshields. This has how we have March'd in 2018. Here's 5 reasons why it's driving us bonkers.Andy AustinAndy Austin
Who is This Statue Suppose to Be? Can You Tell?Who is This Statue Suppose to Be? Can You Tell?Wow. I'm in agreement with most people. This statue not only doesn't look like who it's suppose to be, but it's almost insulting how far off it is!Lori VoornasLori Voornas