Clam Digging Halted in Biddeford Pool Due to Mystery PollutionClam Digging Halted in Biddeford Pool Due to Mystery PollutionDigging was put on hold the past few years but never for this long. The city is investigating the source of contamination.Lou LockwoodLou Lockwood
Salmonella Everywhere: Here Are The Foods You Should Throw AwaySalmonella Everywhere: Here Are The Foods You Should Throw AwayIt's not just raw cookie dough anymore.Lou LockwoodLou Lockwood
Giant Sewage Overflow Shuts Down Portland’s East End Beach and TrGiant Sewage Overflow Shuts Down Portland’s East End Beach and TrSave your trip to the beach until next week... there's a lot of s#*! going down on the end of the peninsula.Lou LockwoodLou Lockwood