Whale Believed to Have Been Extinct for 200 Years Spotted in MAWhale Believed to Have Been Extinct for 200 Years Spotted in MAThe remarkable discovery was made last week by researchers.MeganMegan
These 30 Animals Are on NH's Endangered Species ListThese 30 Animals Are on NH's Endangered Species ListThese 30 animals are endangered here in the Granite State.MeganMegan
Unicorn (Plant) Spotted in Maine For First Time in 130 YearsUnicorn (Plant) Spotted in Maine For First Time in 130 YearsThey thought it was gone for good, but then a whole bunch was spotted in Bowdoin!Lou LockwoodLou Lockwood
Maine's Lobster Industry Brainstorms Changes To Save the WhalesMaine's Lobster Industry Brainstorms Changes To Save the WhalesThe Maine Lobster Industry may have to make some changes if we want to avoid extinction of the North Atlantic right whale.Lou LockwoodLou Lockwood