Last night Portland police station 70 participants for the Portland chapter of the black lives matter rally as a national day a protest against police brutality.
This Saturday's plan black lives matter protest in downtown Portland has been postponed citing concerns over physical violence from counter-protesters.
This past week you have seen images of Protest nationwide telling the story of frustration, anger, and oppression that are swelling out of the years of feeling forgotten.
After the events of the past week and the images we see of the protesting and rioting in some cases, America is asking itself some pretty tough questions.
This rock, on Rt. 77 in Cape Elizabeth, is one that the graduating class of Cape Elizebath High School, paints typically as they are getting ready to walk the stage for graduation that year.
This week has been heavy with emotion as on Monday; we learned that we had reached 100,000 deaths for the Coronavirus and the highly controversial issue that has sparked protests and riots nationwide.
Hundreds of Mainers will protest at the capitol over what they feel are draconian quarantine rules that some would argue are killing their businesses and livelihoods.