Good one Binga' got me good!


So, I was at Binga's Express, the one with the awesome signs in Windham. I was actually celebrating my birthday a couple of months late with my girlfriends Wayne and Scott. We tend to celebrate with food...this time it was wings and bottomless mimosas!


Why were we celebrating my birthday 2 months AFTER my actual birthday? You know how life gets busy and you just push things off and WHAMO, it's two months later.

My girlfriends are super lovely and we had a wonderful time. I love this Binga's because of their snarky hysterical signs that are not only outside, but in too!



Damn near spit out my wing when they wrote this while I was there.

We laughed and ate and drank and Wayne even made a cake. It was amazing. As we were wrapping up, I had some things to carry to my car. These lovely boys bought me a Instant Pot for my birthday (more on that after I try it). Scott and I were standing by my car when a total stranger drove by honked and yelled out their window, 'Happy birthday Lori!'.

Scott and I looked at each other....

How did she know we were celebrating my birthday?

Uh, maybe she was inside and just left. Yeah...that must be it. Then another car honked their horn...and another person yelled 'Happy Birthday!'

What the actual what....then I looked up. While we were all inside, they did THIS:


I damn near peed myself!


I have never laughed so hard in my life! And yes, Binga's knows that my birthday is in September - but damn...this was a riot.

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