These Stock Photos of a Common Maine Job Tell A Tragic Love Story
I was looking for a stock image of a Maine highway construction worker the other day and stumbled upon this touching tale of two lovers. Prepare yourself for the tragic twist at the end.
Once upon a time, Greg and Antonio were two hard-working construction workers. They went about their day, minding their own business.
Then one day while Greg was peering down the length of a tape measure, Antonio really *noticed* him for the first time.
Antonio began to realize that he and Greg weren't just two construction workers diligently improving our state's highways. They were brought here by fate to find one other.
As Antonio came to terms with his emotions, Greg began to notice a change in his attractive acquaintance from work. Was it just in his head, or were their eyes meeting over the construction tape more often?
It was not just in his head. With newfound confidence, the two proclaimed their love to their fellow construction workers and forged on in matching orange vests.
After a full week of absolute bliss, Antonio was horrified to turn around one afternoon to see his lover collapsed in the ditch. He ran to Greg to see if he was okay.
And that, friends, is where the album ends. We may never know what became of our beloved construction worker Greg, nor the love of his life. Was it a simple faint from working in the heat? Was it a deadly electrocution? There's no way to know for sure. But you know what they say - "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."