Off the shores of Harpswell and Bailey Island, Maine is a tiny rocky island devoid of trees called Little Mark Island. Waves crash against it's jagged perimeter as a tall tower with a small white light flashes to aid passing ships as they navigate through Casco Bay. The tower was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2016. The original purpose of the tower is related to marine tragedy and shipwrecks. Queen Queen

According to the nomination by the Maine Historic Preservation Commission, the stone tower is perched at the highest point of the island and extends 50 feet into the sky. It appears to have been built with stone that was mined from the island itself.

The tower was probably originally open at the top, allowing those seeking refuge from the elements to start a fire. When it was built in the 1800s, the tower would've been stocked with supplies to aid those marooned by shipwrecks.

If you venture to the outer limits of Casco Bay, look for the Little Mark Island Monument. It's appearance is almost jarring against the otherwise flat landscape of the island and the rolling ocean waves.

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