This Website Solves the Crippling Indecision of Choosing a Restaurant in Portland
I'm already an incredibly indecisive person when it comes to food. I'm not picky, and I can rarely pinpoint my cravings, so when faced with the mecca of dining options that is Portland, Maine - I'm immediately overwhelmed.
My list of places to go grows longer every day as Portland natives tip me off to more and more unmatched hole-in-the-wall restaurants. I have so many to choose from, I don't even know where to start. Do I go alphabetically? By neighborhood? Yelp rating? Once I do decide where to go, how do I confront the crippling indecision I'm faced with when I open their menu?! It's all far too much to handle.
Then, as if by the grace of God, my friend's mom served me a solution on a silver platter.
"Do you know about the site Eat Drink Lucky?" she texted, nonchalantly. I opened a new tab and entered the mysterious words. There before me, a clean, simple website appeared, offering me a straightforward option:
"Click here to explore the Must Eat Portland Maine list," it beckoned.
I clicked.
With my mouth agape, I watched photograph after photograph of delicious, diverse foods appear one after the other in slide show form. Each one was labeled by dish and restaurant, with clickable links to each eatery should I want to investigate further.
"This is my solution," I thought. I had been given Tinder for my tummy. Instead of staring like a deer in the headlights at a map of Portland riddled with red pins and hundreds of stars, I could work my way strategically through this tenderly curated list and introduce myself to the finer foods of my new home base. They even have a daily newsletter if you want your suggestions one bite at a time.
Some may prefer to throw caution to the wind. Some may be able to peruse a long list and make a decision. I am in neither camp. I am in Camp Eat Drink Lucky. Join me!