Volunteer Shovelers Needed To Assist Portland Seniors
Maine has the oldest population in the country with 20.6% over the age of 65 according to PRB. Maine also gets the 2nd highest total of snow in the country according to USA.com. This creates a unique issue of seniors struggling to get to their mail, their car, and trashcans whenever a snowstorm occurs if they are unable to shovel.
The City of Portland is hoping to fill that need. The Age-Friendly Portland Steering Committee is spearheading the effort by organizing volunteer shovelers and pairing them up with a senior in their neighborhood.
Volunteers aren't asked to clear driveways or do anything extensive. According to PortlandMaine.gov, the objective is to, "create a path which allows the senior citizen, emergency response personnel, Meals on Wheels delivery people, mail carriers, and other visitors to get in and out of the house safely."
The committee is hoping to expand. If you think you could help this worthy shoveling cause contact Linda Weare at the Portland Office of Elder Affairs at 541-6620 or email agefriendlycommunity@portlandmaine.gov.
The Age-Friendly South Portland Committee delivers sand buckets to seniors and those with mobility challenges according to News Center Maine. Those who would like to assist with that cause can call South Portland Public Works at 767-7635 or email publicworks@southportland.org