WATCH: 30 Years Ago, Lisbon Falls’ Worumbo Mill Was Destroyed in One of Maine’s Largest Industrial Fires
July 23, 1987 is a day that long-time residents of Libson Falls, Maine will never forget as the Worumbo Mill burned to the ground in one of Maine's largest industrial fires in history.
The Worumbo Mill was built in 1864 to maufacture fine woolens. It struggled in the late 60's as overseas manufaturing took its toll here in the U.S. A flood in April of 1987 damaged the mill and repairs were being made to a wall when molten metal from a worker's welding torch fell into combusibal materials. It started the fire and the workers and 30+ office employees in the building all got out before it began to engulf the building. Unforutnately, the building's sprinkler system had been turned off just prior to the work.
A video on YouTube made for the 20th anniversary of the fire showsthe devestation that changed the landscape ane economey of Lisbon Falls 30 years ago.
The Worumbo Mill is featured inthe Stephen King novel and Hulu miniseries, 11/22/63.