Westbrook Police Will Connect Your Car’s Bluetooth To Your Phone
On Thursday, September 19, a new law goes into effect in Maine that requires all drivers be "hands-free" with their phones while driving. Modern cars allow you to do that, but many people don't know how to connect their phones. The Westbrook police are here to help.
On Tuesday, September 17, the Westbrook Police department is teaming up with local cell phone stores, car dealerships and insurance companies to connect drivers' smart phones to their car via Bluetooth.
Under the new law, you must be completely hands-free while driving, even when stopped at a stop sign or traffic light. Most smart phones today will let you make and receive calls, play music, and even send and receive text messages all hands-free just by using your voice. I've been using voice commands for all kinds of things while driving for quite some time now. I even ask Google questions that just pop into my mind while I'm tooling down the road like "How old is Bob Barker?" and it tells me. He's 95 by the way.
In order to use this feature and stay safe, you need to connect your phone to your car though Bluetooth. If you have no idea how to do it, this is the event for you. It's happening Tuesday from 4 to 7 pm, at the Westbrook Public Safety Building at 570 Main Street. Just drive in and they will be happy to get you all set up to be completely hands-free while still being able to use your phone. You don't even have to live in Westbrook.