When Will the First Snowfall Happen in Maine? [POLL]
Yeah, it's not even August yet... but let's have some fun!
It might be 90° outside, but all that sticky humidity will turn into ice very soon - it's all just a matter of time! This is also the reason why "real Mainahs" don't evah take their snow scraper out of the car... year round.
So, here's the question: When will we get our first major "snow event" here in Maine? If history is an accurate guide, it may happen as soon as September! (that's only like a month away!)
According climatologist Deke Arndt at the National Oceanic & Atomspheric Administration (NOAA), we get snow before most of the other states in the country. Surprise, right? Not really!
As Deke notes in his blog post on the NOAA website, "...the map above isn’t the average date of the first observed snowfall. Technically, it’s the date by which there’s a 50% chance at least 0.1” of snow will have accumulated. It’s based on historical patterns from 1981-2010, with some “smoothing” to account for statistical noise in the data."
That being said... when do you think we'll see snow this year in Maine?