Why Is There A Stray Piano in Monument Square in Portland?
No seriously, why? We have no clue. Earlier this week, an upright piano covered haphazardly with a tarp and secured to a lamp post appeared in Monument Square in Portland.
With no explanation, it has been chillin' there all week. A recycle bin seat has since appeared and the piano's tarp has disappeared, which stresses me out given tomorrow's impending thunderstorm.
Passersby stop to gawk at it, ponder it, play it, and chuckle at its mysterious presence. I caught video of a man playing it just this morning as people pass by on their way to work.
Do we think there's a hidden camera on this baby? Is it part of a social experiment to make people more aware of the little joys in life? Did someone legitimately forget their pet piano after tying it to a lamp post?
We need answers!
UPDATE: They're hauling it off! Well, they put it on a trailer and strapped it down and I assume will be hauling it off shortly. Farewell, Mystery Piano! We'll miss you so!
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