We're Mainers. We know we have to deal with snow. Every year we expect it and eagerly await the predictions of a mild or harsh winter. But no matter how much we prepare and expect snow, there come a point where even the heartiest of Mainers starts saying "Really? Another storm?!?"

Let's put the snow we've gotten as of the end of 2013 into perspective shall we? Here are the facts from The National Weather Service:

  • In December alone, Portland received 26.2 inches of snow making it the 12th snowiest Decmeber on record.
  • Average snowfall for Portland in December is 13.2 inches. We received almost twice the average.
  • The average snowfall for the year in Portland is 61.8 inches. With the latest storm we'll pass the halfway point for total snowfall for the year in Portland and we're only officially 12 days into winter.

Let's not even talk about the freezing rain and ice storm we've had. Or the cold! 30 degrees would feel like a heat wave! It seems this winter is out to give us a proper beat down. You win old man winter. I'm done.

How about you? Have you had enough of the snow or are you one those people that will take all the snow they can get?

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