Think you've got what it takes to sing the National Anthem in front of the crowd at Hadlock Field? The Sea Dogs are holding auditions.

On Monday, the Portland Sea Dogs announced that they will hold auditions at Hadlock Field On April 1 from 4 to 6 p.m. for some limited dates they have open early in the season for singers or musicians to perform the anthem. Anyone is encouraged to audition but you must pre-register.

The team is looking for individuals, small groups, and instrumentalists. If you're auditioning as a singer, you must perform acapella with a live stadium microphone and without lyric sheets, so make sure you know the anthem by heart.

All auditions must be in person. No submitting videos or mp3s. You're doing it live!

Don't just show up at Hadlock Field or you won't be able to audition. You must pre-register for auditions. We've got a link for you to hit right below. Good luck!


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